Disney Art That Does Not Cross the Copyright Line

Tabular array of Contents

  • What is "intellectual holding"?
    • Legal Use and Intellectual Belongings Protection of Disney Characters
  • What Disney characters are classified equally Disney intellectual property?
  • What about fairytale characters, like the original Alice in Wonderland?
  • Is this a fashion around the intellectual holding laws?
  • How is anybody getting away with this?
  • How does Disney pick what shops to issue a cease-and-desist?
  • What happens if I get a cease-and-desist?
  • Is in that location a manner to legally use Disney intellectual holding?
  • Can I make mouse ears, or use the Mickey silhouette?
  • Can I use Disney fabric to brand my products?
  • So what can I sell?
    • What about Disney tags and titles?
  • More questions?

Today we're bringing you an article that is a petty different from our usual mode. When our shop first opened, nosotros knew almost nothing about Disney intellectual belongings. All we knew was that at that place were thousands of other shops who used Mickey and Minnie on their products on Etsy. When we did some research, nosotros plant but some of the answers we were looking for.

In that location are bits and pieces of answers we were looking for, but nosotros couldn't find one place to read all nearly it. Then, we are bringing yous "what's the deal with Disney intellectual holding". This article is written past us using a variety of sources including web pages, books, conversations with small shops, and advice from lawyers who reached out to us, or published data on the web.

That being said, this is an advisory article and is NOT meant to advise you on any legal issues – only inform you. We are huge supporters of pocket-sized shops, but we wanted to assist you lot exist as informed as possible before creating or standing to sell any products!

What is "intellectual property"?

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the heed: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Copyright Law gives a "packet of rights" comprising the following exclusive rights:

  1. To reproduce the work
  2. To make derivative works of the work
  3. To distribute copies of the work to the public (sale, rental, lease, lending)
  4. To perform the work publicly
  5. To display the piece of work publicly

Upcounsel defines the legal use of Disney intellectual holding equally follows.

Legal Use and Intellectual Property Protection of Disney Characters

The Disney Group takes Disney trademark infringement seriously and has copyright and trademark registrations to protect its characters. Anyone who wants to apply the characters from the Disney franchise must follow all legal requirements to avert infringing on the visitor's intellectual property rights. The Disney Group and Walt Disney have created a series of extremely memorable and dearest fictional characters in modern culture.

A copyright exists to protect original works, such as books and movies, while trademarks protect brand names. A copyright or trademark possessor for a graphic symbol will assist to prevent anyone else from using the same character without the owner's permission.

Image result for disney copyright

What Disney characters are classified as Disney intellectual property?

It would exist impossible to list every character, film, ride, attraction, vocal, evidence, etc that falls under Disney intellectual property.

To sum information technology up, all intellectual property rights on the brands, characters, titles, and other properties of Disney are endemic past the Walt Disney Visitor and its affiliates and cannot be used.

Disney'due south anti-piracy clause restricts:

  • Titles
  • Characteristic-length movement pictures
  • Characters
  • Music
  • Games
  • Publications
  • Animated productions
  • Other elements from Disney productions

This would include Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Chip, Dale, the Disney villains, Disney princesses, Pixar characters, etc etc etc. Anything fatigued or designed by Disney cannot exist used.

Image result for disney animated characters

What well-nigh fairytale characters, similar the original Alice in Wonderland?

Disney has adapted many old fables and fairy tales into their hit movies. For example, Alice in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland was written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll.Alice'due south Adventures in Wonderland, the original volume, has long since lapsed into the public domain. It tin be freely used and reproduced.

Disney's movie version, and any images and music from it, will non lapse into the public domain for decades yet. Information technology was released in 1951, so the earliest information technology might enter the public domain is 2046. However, Disney has a track tape of lobbying for, and obtaining, copyright extensions when its earliest copyrights are nearing expiration, still, so the actual expiration engagement on the movie may be much later on. Technically, Mickey should have lapsed into the public domain by now, but Disney has obtained multiple copyright extensions to go on him outside of the public domain.

So, this image of Alice in Wonderland could be used on your products and sold.

Alice in Wonderland - Public Domain

But this epitome, seen below, could not.

Alice in Wonderland - Copyright

Is this a way around the intellectual property laws?

Enquire a lot of small shops, and they will say their products are "inspired by" Disney. This argument is true, but this does not hateful that you are in any way safe from a cease-and-desist letter of the alphabet from Disney. This is not a blanket statement, but for the well-nigh part, if yous utilise a character that was drawn or invented by Disney, you tin be sued by the company. Writing "inspired by" does non keep you safe.

What does keep you safe is if that product is "inspired past" but not acopy of a Disney character. For case, if you lot sell Disney-inspired bows, you lot could have a Cinderella bow with blue and white, and little mice running around the top. You could not have the mice be Jack and Gus-Gus, or an image of the Disney version of Cinderella on the bow.

Another mutual statement is that your product is considered "fan fine art". Fan art is admittedly okay to make and share. However, if you lot are drawing an about exact replica of a Disney character, youcannot sell your fan art. There are no protections for selling fan art that is a nigh copy of a Disney graphic symbol.

A third common statement is fair use. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, fair utilize refers to limited circumstances when it may be permissible to make reference to or reproduce a sample of a protected graphic symbol without getting permission from Disney. One case of fair use could be a critical review of a Disney movie that included an prototype of a grapheme from the picture (Legal Zoom).

Can "fair-utilise" or derivative work protect you?In terms of derivative work, some argue that you lot can transform an image enough from its original form to not be an identical re-create, and thus be "derivative work". While derivative work does be, it is extremely unlikely yous will exist able to use Disney-inspired characters from this "loop hole". Disney has copyrighted images in one source says "15 ways from Dominicus" to prevent you from doing this. Contrary to popular belief, an intellectual belongings lawyer shared that y'all can't just modify Ten number of elements or a certain per centum and merits it is new and unique. If something is recognizable as let'due south say, Mickey Mouse, then it is infringing.

Many listings take "not affiliated with Disney"written at the lesser. Sadly, this does cypher, other than make it articulate to customers y'all are a small store. It volition not protect y'all from a cease-and-desist from Disney.

How is anybody getting away with this?

If you lot search "Disney" on Etsy, there are thousands of shops that come up upward selling products with Mickey Mouse, princesses, and more than. Many of these shops are using Disney intellectual holding.

The reason they are able to get away with it has never been stated by Disney, and could alter at any moment. What nosotros do know is that Disney does go later shops who could exist taking abroad a larger portion of their (Disney's) sales and theytin, and exercise,go afterward even the smallest of shops who violate their copyright. Simply a twelvemonth ago Disney sent a finish-and-desist to a store selling passholder magnets with Disney characters who had less than 5,000 sales on Etsy.

Image result for disney cease and desist

How does Disney pick what shops to event a terminate-and-desist?

This information is not offered up by Disney. Simply, the likely answer from several sources we spoke with is that Disney will event a cease-and-desist to a shop that is large enough to be taking away some of their sales. The Disney customs has a range of shops, from young teens selling their handmade crafts on Etsy, to shops with tens of thousands of sales who accept manufacturers, websites, and more than. It is more likely for Disney to go subsequently those shops with tens of thousands of sales, but that does not mean they will not go after smaller shops. The only way to prevent an event like this is to not violate Disney'due south intellectual belongings.

Disney has an email address and phone number that you can call to report shops and organizations who could be violating their intellectual property. A source told us that they become hundreds of emails and calls a day, and will periodically practise a "sweep" of Etsy and other online shops. The aforementioned source further stated that shops who have been reported multiple times are more than likely to "catch the eye" of Disney.

An official memo from Disney says:

"Disney takes the enforcement of these rights very seriously. We protect these rights then that we tin continue to provide quality entertainment that measures up to the standards that our audience has come to dear and look. We welcome reports of suspected infringement of any of these rights.

Please direct reports to us via i of the following methods:
Email: tips@disneyantipiracy.com

Vocalisation Mail: 818-560-3300

Mail: The Walt Disney Visitor Antipiracy Group

500 South Buena Vista Street

Burbank, California


What happens if I get a end-and-desist?

A cease-and-desist is a letter from Disney notifying a shop owner of their infringement and is the outset stride to ask an individual or business to stop the illegal activity. The purpose of the letter is to threaten further legal activity if the behavior does non stop.

If you become a cease-and-desist letter from Disney, you have to immediately cease selling your 'illegal' products. These products cannot be sold ever over again. You may be asked to "destroy" the products, and in some cases you lot are required to show proof of the disposal of your inventory. You may be required to pay a portion of sales to Disney. You lotvolition be on Disney'southward radar from this bespeak on, and if you continue to violate IP, you could be sued.

An instance someone shared with us about a end and desist they received from Disney.

"I used to hand paint toms shoes with Disney characters and sell them on Etsy. I got a finish and desist letter which I declined (I was a impaired higher kid at the time) who said because I was gratis-handing the images they were my artistic representation of characters. I got sued for 20k".

The best way to avoid a finish-and-desist is to not sell products that violate Disney intellectual property.

Image result for disney animation

Is there a manner to legally use Disney intellectual property?

In that location is, but unfortunately, it is unlikely. In order to utilise Disney's characters, you must first get their permission.

Legal Zoom says: "One mode to legally use Disney characters is by getting permission to employ them from Disney Enterprises. A variety of Disney corporate entities own the intellectual holding rights to Disney characters. The official Disney website tin assistance yous determine who owns rights to the character you wish to use and how to seek permission to legally employ the grapheme. You may receive permission in the form of a letter or an e-mail message. Disney may crave an individual or arrangement that wants to make extended commercial utilise of Disney characters to enter into a licensing agreement where the user pays Disney for rights to utilize the character. Disney may besides refuse to give you permission to employ its characters."

The likelihood of Disney giving you permission to use their characters is very slim. There accept been shops who take been successful with this, most notably Danielle Nicole Handbags, Cakeworthy, and The Mouse Merch Box (one of the first, if not the kickoff, to be approached by Disney rather than approaching the company themselves). However, most shops will not have any success requesting permission to use characters.

Tin I make mouse ears, or use the Mickey silhouette?

Mouse ears are a definite yes. There are a vast amount of shops who sell mouse ears, and they are legally allowed to. Disney doesnot ain the rights to mouse ears. What they do own the rights to is Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. And then, while ears are okay, the silhouette (including the caput of the mice) is non okay. As well, anything that resembles the likeness of a grapheme is non okay. If you reproduce Mickey Mouse, or something that looks like Mickey Mouse, you could be violating their copyright.

This is a definite grey area, and tin get confusing. If you have more than questions, the best identify to become answers is an intellectual property lawyer.

Image result for shop disney ears

Can I use Disney material to make my products?

According to a lawyer on Avvo, a detect of "copyright" may be constitute printed on fabric. The ninth excursion Court of Appeals has addressed the existence of a protectable copyright in United Fabrics Intern., Inc. 5. C& J Wear, Inc., 630 F.3d 1255 (ninth Cir. 2011). Thus buying material or textile for the purpose of manufacturing or making crafts for sale will likely require a license. The Asker should contact the manufacturer of the cloth to determine their requirements for employ of their fabric in making arts and crafts items for sale."

To use the material commercially, you may need to obtain an boosted license. The best advice is to practice your research earlier you brand whatsoever products out of a Disney fabric, including contacting the manufacturer of the fabric, reading the tags, or doing further research.

Image result for disney fabric

So what can I sell?

There are many limitations when selling Disney inspired products. The best answer to this question is, exist creative. Do not use Disney characters in your designs. Be creative and notice what inspires you lot in the parks or movies, and find a style to make that a product or inspire your designs.

If y'all cull to use Disney IP, know that you lot are putting yourself and your business organization at take chances. It is never likewise late to finish using intellectual holding. Fifty-fifty if you have been using information technology for years, taking it downward now is better than keeping it up.

What about Disney tags and titles?

Using Disney trademarks (the words "Disney", "Mickey Mouse" etc) anywhere in the listing (title, description and tags) is trademark infringement. It doesn't fifty-fifty affair what the detail is or whether it uses any Disney characters. Past the uncomplicated fact of Disney'southward lawyers searching for their trademarks, and finding them, has proved trademark infringement. Exist artistic with your titles – instead of saying "Mickey Mouse Shirt" you can say "Mouse Shirt" or "Magical Mouse Shirt". Likewise, avert using trademarked words in your tags.

More questions?

Avvo is a peachy source where lawyers can contribute answers or advice based on questions. However, the only way to know for sure is to contact an intellectual property lawyer. If you lot are a growing Disney-themed shop, we recommend taking this step to reply whatever questions y'all accept.

If you have feedback, questions, comments, or communication, permit united states know in the comments of this article!


Source: https://themouselets.com/whats-the-deal-with-using-disney-intellectual-property

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