Time and Time Again Brock Da Kid

The "real Brock Lesnar" almost didn't make it to WWE television.

Lesnar was done, happy to retire to his home and farm in Saskatchewan later on dropping the WWE Championship to Drew McIntyre at a fan-less WrestleMania 36 at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Fla., in April 2020.

"Had my first wrestling match in a garage in front of no people, and twenty years later I'g WWE universal champion of the world, wrestling in front of no people," Lesnar said. "So I came full circle. I had twenty years as an athlete, every bit an entertainer, and I was OK with it. The pandemic hits, and my contract was up, and and then in my listen, I was retired and just settling into it. I grew my beard out, grew my hair out. This wasn't some master plan. I just kind of went off the map and was OK with it."

Lesnar, 44, wasn't seen once again on a WWE mat until this past August at SummerSlam, when he confronted electric current WWE Universal champion Roman Reigns to shut the bear witness. That kicked off a now vii-month storyline with Reigns and his former on-screen advocate, Paul Heyman, during which Lesnar has won the WWE championship twice (the second time in the Emptying Bedchamber) and also the Regal Rumble. Getting to tell this particular story was one of the things that drew Lesnar back to WWE.

"Yep, but this thing has taken a lot of unlike twists and turns we didn't discuss, and it'due south fun," said Lesnar, who will defend the WWE Championship at a loaded alive event at Madison Square Garden on March 5. "But I came back because I was asked very nicely, and I was compensated very nicely. I take a passion for information technology, this storyline for certain."

When Lesnar did render, he did not dress or act like the person the audience had watched for so many years with Heyman every bit his mouthpiece. This baby-face version of Lesnar is doing his own promos, telling knock-knock jokes and taking selfies with fans.

The S Dakota native's hair is longer and in a complect, and he only wears his MMA shorts during matches. Lesnar said WWE chairman Vince McMahon told him he didn't really care what he wore on Telly. So the rest of the fourth dimension, he is dressed in the overalls, flannels and the cowboy boots and hats he wears on his subcontract. This ordinarily very private person is finally giving fans the nearly 18-carat look at him than he ever has.

Brock Lesnar looks to F5 Bobbly Lashley.

"This is the existent Brock Lesnar," he said. "I'm a state hillbilly f–thousand, and that's who I'm am. I grew up the same manner.'

Lesnar said jokingly that now he can come up to work and not have to "change my f–male monarch clothes." Only what it likewise means is this is the nearly comfortable he has been performing in WWE.

He said he has 20 years in the visitor, and he tried to exist someone "who I really never kind of was." Lesnar didn't quite know where he fit in with Heyman speaking for him and said, when he first started, "he just wasn't feeling" WWE'due south vision for him. Doing it more on the fly this time has immune him to present an amplified version of his real cocky without losing his identity equally a serious, flammable asskicker. He'due south having "a whole lot of fun."

"I can be a funny f–ker," Lesnar said. "I can be serious. I tin exist bipolar and change my persona on a picture show of a switch, just ask my kids. I tin can change on a dime. I can be joking with you and then rip your f–rex head off the next 2d. It's simply the way I am."

Lesnar has enjoyed working beyond from Heyman instead of alongside him this time, saying he can't wait to go his hands on him and "see his fat niggling jowls bouncing around past whips of my easily." He said he thinks the breakup of their on-screen partnership is a piece of the story that makes it piece of cake for the audience to digest.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman

"I step into that role, and I want to kill Paul because he f–ked me over, right?" he said. "This is a serious angle for me, and it's a passionate angle. That's why I recall the product is so proficient."

Lesnar, a former NCAA Division I champion wrestler, is too serious nigh wanting to be a dual champion afterwards the two-dark WrestleMania 38 in Dallas on April ii-three, saying he believes he is the but person in WWE, considering of "my background and my history," who is "capable of accomplishing that."

He does have a ton of respect for his opponent, Reigns, and the excellence that has come with the Tribal Main persona Reigns has created over the past ii years. The two have crossed paths in storyline earlier, dating dorsum to WrestleMania 31 in 2015. When they footstep into the ring this time in the main event of Night Two on April three, the sometime UFC heavyweight champion and Reigns will be the first pair other than "Rock Cold" Steve Austin and The Stone to headline WrestleMania on three split up occasions.

"I encounter a f–king superstar," Lesnar said of Reigns "I come across I guy who came into his own and is a real threat every bit person and every bit a grapheme. … Roman has the It factor, has had it. Information technology'south exciting to me. I get goosebumps just thinking about this match."

Lesnar gets a different experience when a match is over.

He revealed on "The Pat McAfee Bear witness" last week that, after performing — especially in front end of large crowds — he deals with feet. The experience tin can exhaust Lesnar and leave him needing to discover confinement, unremarkably at domicile, to recharge. When asked nigh it by The Post, Lesnar said he felt that mode even every bit a kid, when the audience watching was much smaller than the thousands at a WWE result.

"I was a kid who had feet bug. I grew up in the '80s. When we went to school, they didn't accept a definition of whatever, and I didn't take whatever pills," said Lesnar, who likewise admitted the "door is closed" on a return to MMA. "I didn't go to the medico, got my behavioral happenstances or whatever. I just learned … and wrestling was my savior.

"Wrestling, I could take all of my anxiety and energy into that and be wearied at night and become to sleep. I'thousand simply a high-strung person. And then for me, to exist in front of all those people and even as a immature kid to go to a tournament, a wrestling tournament just in a trivial gymnasium and to become home and merely be exhausted. Not merely from wrestling, but being in a loud auditorium."

Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns
Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns
Craig Ambrosio

Information technology doesn't have an effect on him before and during a fight or wrestling friction match. There, he can focus on winning and putting on a show for fans, which he hopes to at the Garden on Saturday. Bobby Lashley has been billed as his opponent, only the two-time WWE champion is in "concussion protocol" in the storyline and reportedly dealing with a real injury.

"I don't know if I'grand not wrestling Bobby tomorrow. Nosotros're going to find out later on today this night or tomorrow, but I actually don't intendance," Lesnar said. "I want to put on a performance. I desire to get in front of these New York fans and put on a skilful event. Nosotros've had a shitty couple years, and I call back everyone has. … It's exciting for me to come back to the city, exist and the Garden. Hopefully, we tin get back to some normalcies in life."

Dorsum in 2020, Lesnar thought his normal wasn't going to include WWE any longer. He said an ideal solar day for him at home means waking up at 5 a.m. to become a conditioning in, getting a coffee, then waking his kids upward at 7 a.one thousand. to "start my day being a father." Subsequently that, he might get hunting, fishing or practice some farming, depending on what time of the year it is.

Added dorsum in again is enjoying what's left of his wrestling career, further advancing his legacy in WWE all while giving the audition a closer expect at Brock Lesnar the human being. Lesnar said he hopes to work with some of WWE's younger talent at some point, and he doesn't take a set time when he truly wants to walk away.

"As long as I'm looked after and my health is good and I'k enjoying myself," Lesnar said, "I'd probably keep."


Source: https://nypost.com/2022/03/05/brock-lesnar-opens-up-on-real-self-in-wwe-msg-match/

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